The Anatomy of a Viral Story on Medium
Ever wondered what makes a story go viral on Medium? While there’s no magic formula, there are a few key elements that can dramatically increase your chances of success. In this post, we’ll break down the anatomy of a viral story into three simple components that you can start using right away.
1. Create a Viral Title
Your title is the first thing readers see, and it’s crucial for grabbing their attention. A strong title can be the difference between a story that gets noticed and one that’s overlooked.
• Use the “I” Factor: Incorporate the word “I” in your title to make it more personal and relatable. Example: “How I Increased My Savings by 50% in 6 Months.”
• Spark Curiosity: Add an element of intrigue or a promise that makes readers curious. Example: “I Switched to a 4-Day Workweek and Here’s What Happened.”
• Keep It Short: Shorter titles are often more effective. If your title feels too long, try to condense it. Example: “Why I Gave Up Caffeine.”
2. Write a Strong Subtitle and Engaging Body
The subtitle should complement your title, adding more context and pulling readers in. The body of your story is where you build a connection with your audience.
• Craft a Complementary Subtitle: Ensure your subtitle enhances your title. For example, if your title is “How I Increased My Savings by 50% in 6 Months,” your subtitle could be “And I Did It Without Cutting Back on Fun.”
• Use the KLT Principle (Know, Like, Trust):
• Know: Give readers a brief insight into who you are. Relate your background to the story. Example: Mention that you’re someone who enjoys life but wanted to get better at saving money.
• Like: Share your story with a personal touch. Use humor, your unique voice, and relatable anecdotes to build likability. Example: Talk about how you managed to save money without sacrificing your weekend brunches.
• Trust: Build trust by showing proof. This could be a screenshot of your savings account or a specific strategy you used. Example: Share the budgeting app that helped you stay on track.
3. Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA)
Your CTA is where you guide readers to take the next step, whether it’s clicking a link, signing up for a newsletter, or purchasing a product. A well-crafted CTA helps turn readers into engaged followers or customers.
• Seamlessly Integrate the CTA: Make sure your CTA flows naturally from your story. Example: If you’ve discussed how you increased your savings, suggest readers try the budgeting app that worked for you.
• Make It Easy to Act: Use straightforward language. Example: “If you want to try the budgeting app I used, click here.”
Start Writing Your Viral Story Today
By focusing on these three elements — an attention-grabbing title, a strong subtitle and body, and a compelling CTA — you’ll be well on your way to crafting stories that resonate with readers and have the potential to go viral on Medium.